Welcome guys, the Integrator here! I have created this blog to help share a passion for finance which has come from having studied and worked in finance since my early 20's and having managed my own money for over 20 years.
I am an investor who is focused on disruptive businesses that are transforming industries lead by visionary leaders with substantial skin in the game. I have spent nearly 20 years in a formal capacity in various investment banking and corporate advisory roles, having attained my MBA with a concentration in finance. This led me toward a path in Venture Capital and working with entrepreneurs building new technology businesses, and I have had the opportunity to not only invest in a number of amazing privately held businesses, but also play a meaningful role in growing several of these early stage enterprises as well. I am now focused on applying my lens of private market disruption and leveraging secular tail winds to the public markets. This was a journey which I started with my public Project $1M portfolio series and which I have deepened with my marketplace service, Sustainable Growth
You can find more of my articles on my SeekingAlpha profile
Managing your finances can appear to be a complex thing. How do I budget? How do I save? How much debt is ok? How do I think about investing? Should I invest in shares or bonds?. My humble objective for this blog is to help people make their finances whole by bringing all of these elements together. I believe that with a little effort, anyone can get their financial affairs in order and grow their money simply, easily and profitably!. All you need is a structured plan to do so.
I wanted to help share some of the lessons that I've learned over the years to help folks that are new to managing their money fast track their own path to independence.
What should you expect from this blog?
Maybe the better question is what you shouldn't expect. There's no magic formula, no instant success. Accumulating wealth and dividend income requires a plan and patience and persistence in following that plan, and that's what you will see in this blog. Having said that, I believe that there are definitive, positive steps that you can take to accelerate growing wealth. You can't start the path to building wealth without getting the basics down first. A plan to save money is fundamental before you can grow it and then actively manage it.
I believe that doing all of these well can get anyone "financially integrated".
While it goes without saying that I believe in the value of everything that is in here, nothing in the blog should be considered direct financial advice specific to your circumstances.
I don't take the time you spend on the blog or the quality of what is posted in here lightly. To that end, books and other tools that are highlighted here are all resources that I have generally used or evaluated myself.
Best of luck to all of you in getting yourselves financially integrated!